Yoga Teacher Training
New 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training Course Starting 6th/7th September 2025.

‘Our teacher training course has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Our graduates are trained to the highest standard and are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance Professionals'.
The Yoga Bodhi Teacher Training Course (YBTTC) has been established by Simona Hernandez and Angela Roberts who between them have almost 60 years of yoga teaching experience. YBTTC is a 200 hour Yoga Alliance UK accredited course open to all those who would like to deepen their knowledge, practice or teaching of yoga. The YBTTC is not specific to any one school or style of yoga, but aims to offer a broad and thorough foundation for the teaching of Classical and Hatha Yoga in a clear, safe and confident manner. The course will be taught by experienced and recognised tutors. Student numbers will be limited to a maximum of 10. Simona Hernandez and Angela Roberts will be group mentors and one or both of them will be present for each module of the course.
If you are interested in training with us we are running a 'Teacher Training Taster' workshop on: Dates TBC. Book a place
Core Modules
The course will focus on the following areas:
- Teaching methodology;
- Practice and Training;
- Anatomy and Physiology;
- Philosophy and History of Yoga; and
- Teaching experience, observing/assisting/teaching.
Course Dates
The module dates are as follows: New dates for 2025/2026
- Module 1 – 6th/7th September 2025
- Module 2 – 18th/19th October 2025
- Module 3 – 22nd/23rd November 2025
- Module 4 – 10th/11th January 2026
- Module 5 – 7th/8th February 2026
- Module 6 – 21st/22nd March 2026
- Module 7 – 25th/26th April 2026
- Module 8 – 16th/17th May 2026
- Module 9 – 20th/21st June 2026
- Module 10– 18th/19th July 2026
- Consolidation Weekend - 5th/6th September 2026
Course Cost
The total course fee for YBTTC intake 8 is £3,250. A £1000 non-refundable initial payment is payable on acceptance onto the course to secure your place and three further payments of £750.00 will be payable at the start of modules 1,3 & 5. Additional costs for course attendees include student membership of Yoga Alliance and student insurance, a one off First Aid training fee, books, materials, travel and accommodation if needed, extra catch up sessions if required, paying an assessor for your assessed classes 2 & 3.
If you would like any further information or an application pack then please call Yoga Bodhi on 01225-464848, or email us on
We will be holding a Yoga Bodhi Teachers Training course Taster Workshop on Dates TBC. Please see our workshops page for more details and for booking.
Additional Tutors
Heidi Armstrong for Anatomy and Physiology (2 full days) – Heidi has been doing bodywork since 1993 and with 10 years experience working with Aromatherapy and Reflexology, has focused on Shiatsu since starting her training. Heidi completed her practitioner training with the Bristol School of Shiatsu in 2001. Registered with the Shiatsu Society, she went on to do a postgraduate course with The Well Mother Organisation.
Sarah Ryan for Philosophy and History of Yoga (2 full days) – Sarah was first introduced to yoga back in 1970, and loved it immediately. She started teaching quite soon, and became a teacher trainer for the British Wheel of Yoga, governing body for yoga in the UK. She was Chair of their Education Committee for three years in the 1990s. In 1987 she started studying in the tradition of Krishnamacharya, and has felt happily at home there ever since. She is a teacher trainer for the Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation (KHYF), and runs courses for people who already teach yoga, who want to be KHYF teachers. She has also done the first KHYF Yoga Therapy Program, and teaches individuals from her home in the south of England. She loves Vedic Chant and teaches it a little. She continues to study as much as she can, especially with her mentor, Kausthub Desikachar.
Well done to all graduates from the YBTT Courses.
"Simona Hernandez and Angela Roberts are registered Senior Yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This accreditation demonstrates excellent standards as set by Yoga Alliance Professionals.